introducing the
airis elite
mri-the diagnostic edge
Why Should I Refer My Patients to an AIRIS® Elite?
The patient-oriented Hitachi® AIRIS Elite Open MR system provides a comfortable environment during magnetic resonance imaging examinations. It has an award-winning open gantry design with an asymmetric two- post architecture that offers the patient a non-claustrophobic environment. The open design easily accommodates not only claustrophobic patients, but those who are non-ambulatory or larger-than-average as well. The spacious gantry opening also provides the healthcare professional the opportunity to directly attend to patients with access on all four sides.
The Elite features a padded patient table, which is power-driven in three directions to aid in transferring patients from hospital beds and wheelchairs. The table, extra-wide and ultrathin, is strong enough to support large patients.
To further ensure comfort and convenience, a two-way intercom system and a technologist alert system provide communication between the technologist and the patient during the exam.
What Does The AIRIS® Elite Provide For Me Clinically?
In a clinical practice, the quality of the images is extremely important to you and your patients. AIRIS Elite offers an ideal combination of image quality and patient comfort, satisfying physicians and patients. AIRIS® Elite Advanced Mid-field MR has an open design that combines a 0.3T field strength and advanced magnet technology for image quality, patient throughput and clinical capabilities previously not possible at mid-field. AIRIS Elite has a fast and powerful gradient system, with 21mT/m gra- dient amplitude and 55T/m/s slew
rate, enabling it to perform clinical imaging capabilities including comprehensive MR angiography techniques with exceptional vascular detail, and RF-Fat Saturation for enhanced visualization of cartilage and ligaments. AIRIS Elite achieves sub-millimeter resolution imaging essential for distinguishing intricate anatomy such as cranial nerves and nerve roots. Additionally, AIRIS Elite provides short acquisition times, which reduce patient motion and increase the potential for excellent image quality.
Hitachi’s actively decoupled linear and multiple array coils are designed for anatomically-specific regions of interest, and provide high signal-to- noise even with the most demanding sequences. AIRIS Elite RF receive coils can also accommodate the widest variety of patient body types.
AIRIS Elite’s state-of-the-art work- station and efficient graphical user interface help maintain high patient throughput and patient satisfaction. Additionally, the workstation enables images to be easily saved on a CD for the patient and referring physicians.
(727) 934-0513
Mon – Fri 8am – 4pm
116 S. Pinellas Ave
Tarpon Springs, FL 34689
(727) 934-0514 fax
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